
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Promoting Young People's Well-being in Youth Work Practice Programme

Today, I attended a great discussion lead by UK Youth and Right Here, about young people's mental health.'Right Here is a five-year programme, run by the Paul Hamyln Foundation and the Mental Health Foundation.' The aim of the project is to develop new, effective approaches to supporting mental health and well-being of young people, aged 16-25.

What I really liked about the event was that it was extremely interactive. Also, there was a lot of discussion, revolving around young people mental health, between people from education, youth work and the council. There were a lot of different opinions, from a variety of people. 

I was also very shocked by some of the statistics produced. Mental health issues are prevalent in young people and there is definitely a gap in services for young people, aged 16-18 years old. 

It was nice to see that the Right Here Project has consulted young people to develop activities, to discuss mental health issues. I really liked the 'Dare to Share' game; however, I thought it was a little pricey at £150! I also liked that innovation labs were used to develop digital resources, for young people. One that I particularly liked was Doc Ready. There is a lot of stigma for young people, around mental health, and attending the doctors is quite nerve racking. This website/app allows a young person to talk through what they would say to their doctor and gives them ideas about what they could say. This helps the young person be more confident, in asking for help.

The project ends this year, but I hope that its findings can be rolled out across the UK!

If you want to find out more find them on Twitter @RightHereProj 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

50 Faces of Youth Work

Blog: Fiona Blacke on 50 Faces of Youth Work

9 Sep 2014
I have been included in the 50 faces of Youth Work and here is a very interesting blog by the creator!
I think most people agree that now is a difficult time to be a youth worker. Cuts to youth services are widespread and many in our profession are facing an uncertain future. Whilst the skills of youth workers are recognised by some, the role does not enjoy a high profile and is largely overlooked by politicians.
Against this evolving backdrop the National Youth Agency turns 50. As part of our half century celebrations we wanted to demonstrate the impact of youth work in a celebratory way that illustrates what’s brilliant about youth work. So we asked 50 people ‘what does youth work mean to you?’
Through their own words, youth workers and young people told us why it was important and what it could achieve. A lot of the contributions articulated the difference they could make in a way that was truly inspiring. These were some of the themes which emerged and which struck me with particular resonance.
‘We talk about teachers – we should talk about value of great youth work’
This was a line from Nick Hurd’s entry. It’s great that a mainstream politician believes this – it’s a shame that it requires a stint as minister for youth policy to gain this insight. I hope we can get Brooks Newmark being as supportive. Another contributor referred to youth work as ‘the underdog of education -misunderstood and misrepresented’ which I thought particularly perceptive.

‘Helping young people realise their potential is limitless’
Lots of youth workers mentioned this – and that the ability to offer this support is beneficial to us all, not just the young person. Many mentioned too that it was personally hugely rewarding and a blessing to be part of their journey.

‘Every day is different, every day is an adventure!’
I love the energy and dynamism of young people. Lots of our contributors are enthused by the passion and vigour of young people too.

‘Real local role models’
Several contributors wrote movingly about youth work providing positive role models for young people to look to. Youth workers’ ability to be flexible and tailor activity to an individual’s needs means their relationships can touch young people in a way others can’t.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our 50 Faces. Despite the challenging environment, our contributors all display a deep commitment to the profession and youth work as a distinctive pedagogy. I challenge anyone to read these 50 entries and not feel heartened, moved and even invigorated by their insight and unswerving belief in the transformative power of youth work.
Read our 50 Faces of Youth Work here.