
Monday, 23 June 2014

YEUK Magazine

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Thursday, 19 June 2014

The dos and don'ts of student networking

Hearing the phrase "it's who you know, not what you know", can be frustrating as a student.

If you're lucky enough to have a parent or cousin who works at the company of your dreams that's great for you, but most students don't. We have to make our contacts ourselves – and that's where networking comes in.

With 60% of jobs occurring in a "hidden job market" where roles aren't always advertised, networking is essential. It's good to start before you leave university so you have people you can contact within companies when you leave. But how do you actually "network" as a student? And how do you avoid embarrassing yourself?


Attend networking events
It might sound obvious, but many students avoid networking. Networking doesn't have to be awkward or stressful. Volunteering, joining student societies and attending talks are good ways to network with your peers.
You can also try networking events in the field you want to work in after university. Eventbrite is useful for finding networking events, and also check out the Twitter feed of organisations you're interested in as they may well post about networking events.

Do your research
Researching should be more than a quick Google. You need to know who is going to be at the event and what you might get out of it. Once you've found out who will be attending, try using LinkedIn and Twitter to find out more about the company or person you want to speak to so you can prepare some good questions to ask. It can help your nerves too.Megan Judkins, a recruitment coordinator at the Sanctuary Group, says: "This is your chance to speak to recruiters directly and ask questions about the company. You can ask about their application process and the competencies you would need to demonstrate in your application."Sometimes companies send representatives from their graduate schemes to networking events. Ask them about their experiences and learn more about the company to assess whether it's somewhere you'd like to work after university."

Prepare a 30 second elevator pitch
People at networking events can be extremely busy and bombarded with people wanting to speak to them. As a student it can be even harder to get yourself noticed. If this is the case try giving a short pitch about who you are, what you're studying and what you're interested in doing after graduating.
But make sure to ask questions too. Laura Lewis, employability coordinator for the University of Worcester says: "Take an interest in the people you speak to, ask them questions about their role and their organisation. Remember people like to talk about themselves and what they do."

Bring business cards
As a student you might not think to make business cards. But you don't have to be a business owner or employee to have a business card: it's a good way of giving someone all your details. Include your email, mobile phone number and Twitter, LinkedIn or blog if you have them.There are many online companies you can use, or you could print your own. Try Moo for fun cards that show your personality.

Connect with people you meet on social media
If a recruiter gives you their business card you have impressed them. But it's important that you follow up. Send them a follow up email or tweet as soon as you can.


Never offer people your business card unless they ask for it.
If a person wants your business card they will ask for it. If not, yours will end up in the bin. Know when it's appropriate to share. 

Lose your manners through nerves
Some people get so anxious at networking events that they forget how to act among other human beings. If you are speaking to someone don't dive straight in with "I want a job". Don't interrupt other people if they are speaking – they will just think you are rude.And don't get drunk. The wine may be free and will probably calm your nerves but you want to be remembered for the right reasons.

Forget to introduce yourself
Rebecca Fielding, managing director and owner of Gradconsult says: "Most people forget to introduce themselves and say a bit about who they are."
It's always embarrassing to be asked at the end of a conversation: "and who are you?" 

Waste opportunities
Francesca Evers, people business partner at Virgin Management says: "Some people can be shy; networking is a chance to meet new people and have fun."
You might be shy, but networking really doesn't work if you don't speak to anyone. At most networking events there is usually some kind of presentation – use these moments to calm your nerves and as a helpful tool to think of questions.

Act like a stalker
Opening with "I've read your blog and I went to the same school as your kids" can come off more stalker than than well-researched.There is a fine line between well-researched and keen, and just plain creepy. Tread this line carefully.

Sunday, 15 June 2014