
Monday, 28 April 2014

YEUK- Youth Friendly Campaign!

Youth Employment UK is a Campaigning & Membership organisation that was founded in 2012 by Laura-Jane Rawlings to tackle youth unemployment.

YEUK was set up to join up the dots in the youth employment space – there is so much happening for and with young people, but without coordination some of that excellent work gets lost or worse still young people cannot access it. I see YEUK as a ‘pyramid’; it connects businesses, supporters and young people.

I decided to be a youth ambassador as I am a young person who has first-hand experience of the catch-22 situation. I am enthusiastic, have qualifications coming out of my ears but I am lacking in the ‘experience’ that employer are looking for. The role of the YEUK youth ambassador, is indicative to a young person’s personal career goals; therefore, if a YEUK youth ambassador has the skill set and would like to own their own business they are aligned according. I have a strong interest in careers and recruitment and this is why I work on the Chance to Shine project. I also help with careers advice with the other YEUK youth ambassadors; create info- graphic training materials and CV direction.

Currently, we are running a campaign called #YouthFriendlyMP. This is where YEUK supporters are being ‘called to action’ to try and get their local MP to become youth friendly. This would involve MPs agreeing to commit to two ‘youth friendly activities’. This could be running CV workshops, supporting employers to recruit apprentices, careers talks or networking events plus many more! From this they would receive a Youth Friendly Badge. Everyone would know that they are committed to resolving youth unemployment issues in their area. It is about creating a youth friendly network, free of cost for government.

I have met with my local MP, Robin Walker, and it was interesting finding out about the projects he is already undertaking to support young people in the area. As a young person, I did not know about these. Being a supporter YEUK is a good way to promote these activities. All MPs will be invited to attend an event on the 9th July to find out more about the project and the benefits for young people in their area.

Any company of any size can get involved with the Youth Friendly badge, if you want to be seen as someone who helps young people then it is a great thing to have. It is absolutely free and easy to apply for. Visit for more information.

16-24’s can get in touch and ask YEUK anything and we’ll help in whatever way possible. They can pick up the phone and call the office, through the email addresses on site and also through the NEW forum onsite. Tweet us, Facebook us too! Plus each month in the e-mag we list events where young people can attend for free and meet the team/the CEO or both. We are always looking for ambassadors!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The mystery's of a 'group interview' solved!

Last week, I was invited to attend a 'group interview.' Just the thought of this situation filled me with horror. I just didn't know what to expect. I asked my careers advisor and she told me about situations where I could be expected to do a group task. Having done these before at assessment centres, I felt a little more confident as I have always done well in these. However, as I walked into the interview and saw two other candidates and two interviewers, I knew this wasn't going to be the case! It was an interview with numerous candidates. To be honest, I have never experienced this before and I didn't know the best way to precede. The interviewer just proposed a question to the group and left it 'open' for us to answer. 

Do I answer first? What if I don't, the other person may not leave me anything to say? I can't say nothing but I don't want to seem too pushy!? 

I decided to answer a few questions first and then when other people answered, agreeing with their perspective and then adding my own. 

As I had no idea whether this was the right thing to do, I left the interview a bit shell-shocked! 

When I got back, I decided to get on Twitter and ask some wise people their thoughts. Thanks to @GiraffeCVs @Dilger1Joe @EmployHub and @EcSolCareers for their input. The consensus on this issue was to engage with your fellow interviewees. See them as your peers, not competition. Acknowledge their opinions and build on what they say. 

Fingers crossed for the outcome of the interview!

If you need any advise please visit First Point for more information.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Are unpaid internships an issue?

This is a great video from GoThinkBig about the issues surrounding unpaid internships and young people living in big cities. 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Find a volunteering opportunity!

Volunteering is an excellent way to gain new skills, explore an alternative career path and to just help someone in need. There are lots of volunteering opportunities out there. Find out about some options here!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Monthly E-magazines!

A.C.E and The Bright Futures magazines are out! They are full of helpful tips revolving around employability. Grab some tea and cake and have a read!

Bright Futures

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 This contains an interview that I did with Simon who runs The Bright Futures Society.
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Monday, 7 April 2014

Should students have lessons on how to use social media?

As social media is becoming more prominent, I think that new classes should be integrated into the curriculum. One of these should be 'how to use twitter to enhance your career'. As networking is so crucial in the 'adult world,' I have made an info-graphic for all novices to follow. 


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

I'm a networking novice! How do I use LinkedIn?

With networking so crucial for graduates/students or just about anyone to find a job, having a good LinkedIn profile is essential to progressing with a careers. Here is a quick guide to using LinkedIn and social media to raise your online profile.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Recipe for CV success?

Wondering what it takes to put together a great looking CV? Here is an useful info-graphic to help you along on your way.
Infographic - Recipe for Success[Source Giraffe CVs]